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  1. Got em - thank you!
  2. Hi, My husband is trying to download his Tommy backup for username sbkotch and is getting a message that the backup can't be found. Can you help? Thanks!
  3. Account: clchaz Server: Tommy Hi. I think my account was suspended in error. After reading the reasons for suspension, it should not have violated any part of your terms of service. Please help.
  4. Was anything changed on my account since my initial post on Jan 6th? I made only one code change to the site in cpanel since (which I reverted) and I'm getting a constant 500 error. After reverting the change failed to resolve the site, I restored a backup from a time when I know it was definitely working (just in case). All I'm getting now is the 500 error and I have no idea why, if the site was working just fine before and in the version I restored.
  5. Thanks, I'll try that for #1. Ok, so for #2 - I think might be interfering with Google Search Console in that GSC is displaying the 'account queued' screenshot for the site after moving over to Tommy from Stevie. Since making the move (a week or so ago), I requested it be recrawled and rendered a few times to try and fix this. All of that being said, I'm sure you are much smarter than me, and if you don't think the main domain could be interfering with GSC then we can leave it as is.
  6. Hi, I'm running into two issues with my website I'm hoping you can help with. I'm trying to enable cache-control via the .htaccess file, but I'm not able to edit this file in the cpanel File Manager. It's not in the files list, and I get the error 'the file already exists' when I try to create a new file with that name. Is there another way to edit this? I've been trying to change the main domain for my account to http://clchazleton.org from clchazletonpa.heliohost.org. I requested the change after logging into my account, but it's been a few days now and it hasn't changed. If it makes things easier, the site is on Tommy and my un is clchaz Thank you!!
  7. You guys rock, thank you!!!
  8. Hi, First of all, thank you so much for the services you offer. I have used Heliohost for years and plan to continue hosting with you guys for as long as I can. It's a bummer what's happened to Stevie, but sometimes these things just happen. Can you please free up my domain from Stevie so I can use it on Tommy? Stevie Account: clchazle Tommy Account: clchaz Domain: http://www.clchazleton.org Once the domain is freed up, what are the nameservers/IP I should be pointing to for it to resolve properly on the new account? I'm only using the domain for the website, I don't use it for email or anything like that. Thanks!! -clchaz
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