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  1. Please ignore my last reply. I've just logged in successfully! Thanks agian! J
  2. Thank you for re sending the invitation. Unfortunately,it didn't help! I created new account (janisek7) and I still cannot log in.
  3. OK. thank you! j
  4. i've just tried, but it says the code has been used already. "This validation code doesn't match any accounts in our system. It may have already been used, or if the code is more than 48 hours old it may have expired."
  5. I did receive the invite. Validated my email. Picked a new username (janisek8) and password, but when I try to login Cpanel, it says Invalid login. I've tried resetting my password, but it didn't help.
  6. tackbyjana.com
  7. i opened new account on tommy server just now. but i cant login to my account and it says "invalid login". also i tried to resset my password but its get an error that say : "Uh oh, there was an error changing your password. The admins have already been notified of the problem, but if you would like us to manually change your password for you please contact support. You could also try reseting your password again." so i cant access my account. can you please reset my password or do something else? my username is janisek8
  8. Thank you, Root admin! J
  9. Hi! I had to move my website from Stevie to Johnny before holidays since Stevie crashed. Everything worked fine for maybe 3 weeks and now my website has been down for more than a week again. Would moving from Johnny to Tommy solve anything? Or is there another more stable server I could switch to? If so, please free up my account janisek7 (tackbyjana.com), so I can move it and send me the donation link. Thanks a lot! Jana
  10. Thank you so much, Krydos!
  11. I would like to move tackbyjana.com from Stevie to Johnny. My User Name is: janisek I tried following the instructions on "Moving Your Account" but received an error message at Step 2 when requesting an account deletion: "You did not enter the correct password. Please click the back button and try again." I tried twice and received the same message. I know the password is correct as it's the same one I used to login to this forum. Is it necessary to delete the Stevie account to create a Johnny account? I don't use any of the extra features that Johnny provides and am happy to stay with Stevie once he is restored. I just need something to use in the interim. How should I proceed? Thank you for your help! Jana
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