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Everything posted by lemonions

  1. Oh ok. Thanks for your advise.
  2. I have not aware of this, the 'software' you mentioned here is the script that my web uses to access mysql might be the problem? or a different things? do you have any example of the software name?
  3. Okay, will take notes. Currently I am using XAMPP.
  4. Thanks for your help I received the link. May I know how can I prevent this from happen again, my web not allow people to share anything / post anything. From the message your show.. fraudulent web site: > http[:]//bzysharing[.]com/app/WeTransfer.com/index.php Does it means that hacker has uploaded the index.php to my file system?
  5. Hi, I received iNode quota exceeded, and I already restructured the folder, but seems it is too late? or suspended for other reason? Need help. please and thank you. Username: lemonion Server: Tommy Main domain: bzysharing.com
  6. umm, it is working now. thanks all.
  7. Krydos, let me try that later. Is it that straight forward that renaming the ext. to .php and the tags that I m having in my html will works in this case?
  8. Hi, understood that ASPNET is high load to heliohost, so I am porting my site from aspnet to html. But, as I am new to html development. I not sure how to create a dynamic meta tags (which I am not having problem with aspnet). I tried Jquery/js to update the meta tags content, but the crawler doesn't execute jquery / js. Also, I tried to have "php" tag within my html site, however, it doesn't execute, not sure why? Highly appreciates if any one can help me on this. Thanks in adv.
  9. Oh, ok. Thanks for the info. much appreciate
  10. Erm, currently should not have any traffic yet, as still under development. May I know how many traffic I need to meet to prevent asp net remove? btw, I need your help to turn on HTTPS.
  11. I see. I thought we need to actively monitor our cpanel to prevent from account suspend.
  12. Hi, not sure why my website is down. I did not do any update these few days. It was working fine until today when I try to access. I got this message. "This site can’t be reached" username: lemonion domain: https://bzysharing.com/home
  13. Great. this is what I need. thank you for all the support rendered
  14. Yes, I need that. and what configuration I need to set for my project? e.g. Web.config
  15. Sorry, one more question, if I were to moved to SSL, how can I do that with ASPNET? Like you mentioned in point 2 above.
  16. Oh okay. Thanks so much for your help.
  17. Sorry, I am new to SSL. I am still having trouble to access my domain with "https". May I know how do I allow plain HTTP connections in .well-known folder? And, the docroot is it I have to go to my domain provider account to do that?
  18. I have followed this guide https://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_a_Let's_Encrypt_SSL_Certificate with ZeroSSL (Lets Encrypt). But still not manage to access my domain when added at the front "https://bzysharing.com". Anything other configs need to be set beside the guide?
  19. Hi wolstech, domain: www.bzysharing.com Thanks.
  20. I need help to activate aspnet on new domain. Thanks in adv. Username: lemonion Server: tommy
  21. My asp.net webpage not working after renewed from Suspended HelioHost username : lemonions Server: tommy email: lemonions@gmail.com Thanks.
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