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A friend of mine wrote this and it's still kind of a work in progress as you can see stuff commented out but this is what he's got so far. Requires the font below.




$rand = rand(1, 100000);

$file = "$rand.logo.gif";
$font = "lokicola.ttf";

if ( $_GET )
$w = $_GET[w];
$h = $_GET[h];
$f = $_GET[f]; # number of frames
$size = $_GET[size];

$delay = $_GET[del];

if ($f < 1)
{ $move = 0;
   $f = 1;
{ $move = $w/$f; }

# new imagick object
$img = new Imagick();

# remove NULL's from colors
foreach ($_GET[c] as $temp )
  if ( strlen($temp) > 0 )
   { $colors[] = $temp; }

# how many colors?
$n = count($colors);
# make gradients till next to last color
for ($x=0; $x<$n-1; $x++)
   $next = $x+1;
   $gradient = "gradient:$colors[$x]-$colors[$next]";
   $img->newPseudoImage( 100, 100, "$gradient" );
# loop last color back to first color
$last = $n-1;
$gradient = "gradient:$colors[$last]-$colors[0]";
$img->newPseudoImage( 100, 100, "$gradient" );

# go back to top of stack and append
$bar =  $img->appendImages(true);

# rotate & resize
$bar->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel(), 270);
# $bar->scaleimage($w, $h, FALSE ); 

# new object for frames
$frames = new Imagick();

for ($x=0; $x<$f; $x++)
# roll, resize and add to frames
$bar->rollimage( $move, 0 );
$bar->scaleimage($w, $h, FALSE ); 

if ($_GET[swirl] == "on")
  $m = max( array($w,$h) );
  foreach ($frames as $temp)
   if ($_GET[transbg] == "on")
    $temp->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_TRANSPARENT );
   $temp->scaleimage($m, $m, FALSE );
   $temp->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_ARC, array( 361 ), TRUE ); 
   $temp->swirlimage( max(0,$_GET[deg]) ); 
   $temp->scaleimage($w, $h, FALSE ); 

if ($_GET[reverse] == "on")
foreach ($frames as $temp)

     $orig = $temp->clone();
     $flop = $temp->clone();

  #$temp = new Imagick();



if ($_GET[reflect] == "on")
$reflection = new Imagick();
foreach ($frames as $temp)
  $orig = $temp->clone();
  $flop = $temp->clone();

# $temp->removeimage(); # debug
  $orig = $temp->clone();

#  $temp->destroy();
#  $temp = new Imagick();
#  $temp->addimage($orig);
#  $temp->addimage($flop);



header( "Content-Type: image/gif" );
echo $reflection; exit;

$reflection->writeimages( "$file", TRUE);
header( "location:$file" );

if ($_GET[txt] == "on")
$logo = new Imagick();

foreach ($frames as $temp)
  $logo->newimage($w,$h, "transparent");
  $draw = new ImagickDraw();
  $draw->setfont("$font"); # set font
  $draw->setFontSize( $size );
  # annotate
  #$draw->annotation( 0, 0, "$_GET[text_entered]" );
  $logo->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,0, 0, "$_GET[text_entered]" );
  $logo->drawImage( $draw );
  $logo->compositeImage( $temp, imagick::COMPOSITE_ATOP, 0,0 );

$logo->writeimages("$file", TRUE);
header( "location:$file" );

# set the image format to gif 

# Write final image
$frames->writeimages("$file", TRUE);
header( "location:$file" );

<head><title>Rainbow Text Maker</title></head>

<input type="text" name="w" size="3" value="500"> Width<br>
<input type="text" name="h" size="3" value="100"> Height<br>
<input type="text" name="size" size="3" value="90"> Font Size<br>
<input type="text" name="f" size="3" value="10"> Frames<br>
<input type="text" name="del" size="3" value="3"> Delay<br>

<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#ff0000"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#ff8800"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#ffff00"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value=""><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#00ff00"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value=""><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#00ffff"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#0088ff"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#0000ff"><br>
<input type="text" name="c[]" value="#8800ff"><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="swirl" checked> Swirl <input type="text" size="3" name="deg" value="99"> Degrees 
<input type="checkbox" name="txt" checked> Text:
<input type="text" name="text_entered" value=""> <br>
<input type="submit"><br>




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