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hi there

I am looking for anyone who has experience installing idexhibit or other


here are the requirements and i know of other users who have used indexhibit on helio host

PHP4 or above

- MySQL 3.23 or above

- Apache hosted on Linux (or similar but Windows will not work)

- mod_rewrite enabled (optional)


also instructions say to put it in the root directory

is this home1/username/? or one of the other directories


have followed all instructions from indexhibit installed to root directory, changed permissions and still cannot find the login at http://www.yourwebsite.com/ndxz-studio/install.php


any help would be greatly appreciated



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It sounds like you're new to web hosting.


Did you create a MySQL database from cPanel?

What's your actual domain name?


The root web directory is home1/username/public_html/

This is the default directory that your domain will direct to when you visit it.

For example, I have a file named home1/wizard/public_html/index.php, which is the default page that you see when you visit wizard.heliohost.org.

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It sounds like you're new to web hosting.


Did you create a MySQL database from cPanel?

What's your actual domain name?


The root web directory is home1/username/public_html/

This is the default directory that your domain will direct to when you visit it.

For example, I have a file named home1/wizard/public_html/index.php, which is the default page that you see when you visit wizard.heliohost.org.


hey thanks for all the support I am pretty new to web hosting!.

probably just needed to wait a while the file is now visible in my browser



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