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Taken from http://www.thestupidestmanonearth.com/:


This site is a chronicle of the life and times of Doug Pederson (aka: SpectateSwamp). Doug is truly the stupidest person in the world. He has no rival, not even close competition.


If you are new to the works of Doug Pederson, you might be inclined to think this is a harsh assessment. You would be wrong.


Following is a quick summary of some of the things that Doug Pederson has a problem with. I am confident you will be horrifed as you progress through the rest of this site and come to the realization how incredibly stupid this man really is.




He doesn't understand 3-dimensional space:


Doug Pederson repeatedly shows videos and images where his flying specks (see Aliens) appear near a bird or airplane, and insists that they're hovering around the object, despite explanations that this is due to parallax and the specks are probably hundreds or thousands of feet away. Even worse, he also stated that the leaf in his "tobacco leaf flyer" video (again, see Aliens) had a retracting stem, even though in the video the leaf was simply turning so that the stem was no longer visible. Although it seems that Doug Pederson still has not quite figured out how to interpret what he sees or how the 3-dimensional world that he has lived in for over 40 years works, it's also possible that these are last-ditch efforts at rationalizing his "alien" videos.


He doesn't understand wind:


Doug Pederson thinks it's strange that the specks in his "alien" videos appear to move quickly and rapidly change direction, even though it has been explained to him that this is exactly how objects (especially leaves) blowing in the wind behave. He also seems to think it is strange that the leaf in his "tobacco leaf flyer" video changes direction halfway through, again despite the fact that wind can, and frequently does, actually change direction. Apparently Doug Pederson has never been outside on a windy day, which is surprising considering how many outdoor videos he shoots.


His writing style would make an English teacher commit suicide:


Doug Pederson's writing style is insane as the man himself. He either uses too much punctuation, splitting his sentences apart into small, incoherent chunks, or too little punctuation, running a few different sentences together, or sometimes even both at the same time. He also personifies everything in sight, referring to "Old Man Copernic" when discussing Copernicus Desktop Search, and talking about "Old Man Neowin" banning him from the Neowin forums. Besides this, he has the annoying habit of inventing childish names for things, referring to a few large rocks he found "Biggie Flatten Em Stones" and calling anyone who uses a simple text search program (such as the classic Unix tool grep) a "Greppler".


He can't carry on a coherent discussion:


Whenever someone on a forum brings up a problem with any of Doug Pederson's teachings (the alien videos, SSDS, etc.) he either creates the most impossible and obviously unrealistic justifications for the way he does things, or he ignores the criticism completely and replies to random parts of a different post with either more "alien" pictures, more rhetoric on the greatness of SSDS, or a work story designed to show his supposed experience and intelligence, and that has nothing to do with anything else being discussed. Anything which proves his view of the world wrong apparently gets skipped over.


Credit: burntfuse -- TDWTF "


Anybody seen this before?


EDIT: Also click here for some <tags> associated with SwampSpectate at TDWTF.

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