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I would like to ask for opinions on main gaming compainies. Not the developers of the games themselves, (Ea, Ubisoft, Bethdesa), but the makers of our dear colsoles and handhelds. My opinions are as follows. I could ramble about htis for days, so I'll give you the abbridged version.

Microsoft has made some very big steps as far as Next generation graphics goes. I have an Xbox 360, and love it. Most predominant titles nowadays are released on the 360, making it a practical alternative for the MUCH more expensive PlayStation3.


Sony. The Playstaion three has fantastic graphics, but it's far too expensive to be seriously considered at the moment. After it's been out for a while, it will likely become much more affordable, but right now, it isn't particularly practical.


Nintendo! Although the wii leaves much o be desired in the way of graphics, Nintendo has always gone where other comanies feared to tread, with their innovations in touch-screen and motion-interactive technology.


So what are your opinions?


Sony: Amazing Graphix - - TOO EXPENSIVE Like the PSP though.

Nintendo: Alright graphix - - Great legacy - - Touch screens - - Childish games - - Moderate Price


I still would go for sony.


How the hell is PS3 much more expensive than the xballs? You get so much more with the PS3. With all the add-ons you need to get somewhat near what the PS3 gives you out of the box, makes the xbox more expensive..


Things like the wireless adapter, HDD, the HD-DVD player, and the cooler so it doesn't overheat and get the red ring...


Have you even looked at some of the games being released on the PS3 now? They look far better than what the 360 can do.. Just look at Uncharted, thats a great example.


Don't even get me started on the Wii.


Sony's still on top and will remain there.

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