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It's the ultimate online multiplayer game coming to the Wii, third in the Super Smash Brothers series. It'll be out December 3rd, anyone gonna buy it?


I can't wait. I've had Wii since the day it came out and beat TP 4 days later. I except SSBB to be amazing. From what I've seen it looks great. I can't wait to try out Pit, Metaknight and the new special moves. I'm really hoping it has online play though, that would be fun.


The original was awesome. Melee topped it 100 times over. What can Brawl do? We'll just have to wait and see!


And yes. Online play would rock.


It's the classic age-old rivalry. The Super Nintendo vs. Genesis, Mario vs. Sonic, is a old rivalry that everyone liked and remembered. Although Megaman wouldn't be too bad either, but was he ever on a Nintendo system?

It's the classic age-old rivalry. The Super Nintendo vs. Genesis, Mario vs. Sonic, is a old rivalry that everyone liked and remembered. Although Megaman wouldn't be too bad either, but was he ever on a Nintendo system?


Of course, he STARTED with Nintendo on the NES and SNES.


Not to mention MMZX, Battle Network, Star Force, MMX: Command Mission, and the two console Anniversary Collections containing MM1-8 and MMX1-6. Mega Man has never left Nintendo.


I hated the Sonic vs. Mario rivalry. It spawned utter crap in the form of fangames and animations. There's no reason to put Sonic in, as he was neither born nor spend his early years on a Nintendo system. Every character up 'till now has been born on a Nintendo system, minus Snake, who's first debut was on the MSX home PC, his second game being ported to the NES which started his career as a console stealth person.


I don't mind them bringing in more characters that aren't solely Nintendo. However I think it would be better if their primarily Nintendo based characters.

Not to mention MMZX, Battle Network, Star Force, MMX: Command Mission, and the two console Anniversary Collections containing MM1-8 and MMX1-6. Mega Man has never left Nintendo.


I hated the Sonic vs. Mario rivalry. It spawned utter crap in the form of fangames and animations. There's no reason to put Sonic in, as he was neither born nor spend his early years on a Nintendo system. Every character up 'till now has been born on a Nintendo system, minus Snake, who's first debut was on the MSX home PC, his second game being ported to the NES which started his career as a console stealth person.

But it's kinda symbolic, don't you think? Two former big rivals, now in the same game! A trend that seems to be forming, with the Mario and Sonic in the Olympics game.

  • 3 weeks later...

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