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Better question, "How many dead Americans was Hitler worth before we discovered Auschwitz?" (Quote Me, 2007 forum post, HelioNet)


Are you the new Vice president of America? :blink:


Yep we just nuked Japan. :) I like that presidents thinking... (I forgot what president it was...)


"American People. We are going to bomb the sh... I mean we are going to handle this in a calm manner. Anyone who goes to Japan after this. Some people might look weird... or have 5 eyes. Just don't make eye contact. Thank You."



and for killing thousands of our family members, friends, and soldiers in the 9/11 attacks and still to this day, in Iraq.


Explain to me why you think Bush killed people in the 9/11 attacks? That is ridiculous that you would even say that.


And Bush did not kill the soldiers in Iraq. That is an extremely ignorant statement. Today's military is an all-volunteer military and they chose to serve their country. They all knew there was a chance they could be killed or wounded in combat.


Hell, the guys that are over there now are mostly people who signed up to get IN TO the action.


By no means am I saying that the men and women of our military are disposable, I'm just saying that the idea of saying that Bush killing our soldiers is ridiculous.

Oh yeah I know a soldier that was in Iraq, and he said that "It's not as bad as the news says it is. They only show the bad not the good."






The liberal controlled mass media only shows you the downside of what's happening in Iraq.


They give you numbers of American deaths, rubbing their greedy hands as the number goes up and they get more poo to fling at the GOP.


They don't show you the Iraqis who don't have to live a life of fear from their government, the thousands of AK-47s, RPGs, and explosives that our troops uncover every day, or the American troops having positive interaction with the Iraqi people.


What you also don't see are the mass genocides that aren't happening anymore!

  • 2 months later...

When you think about it, there's not real good way to end this thing,a nd we're still going to be the bad guys to some people. After all, we marched into a country and killed their leader. He deserved it, but some people still uspport him. Who can say they won't end up with another leader who is just as bad? Maybe we should stop trying to mold other countries in our image.


I still say support our troops! (Just not the idiot who misled them)


I see too many people supporting the troops by saying they support the troops, and that's all. As a former "troop", I find it disgraceful.


If you want to say you support the troops, you should actually support them. I couldn't care less if you say you support me, but if you volunteer to help spouses and children who are living their lives back home, that is real support.


While I was deployed, I would have been more at ease if people would have brought my wife food and babysat for my daughter to give my wife a break. You know what else would have been nice? How about financial support? Pay some of the bills that stack up at home. Pay my phone bill or my electric bill and I'll feel supported.


Don't just say you support the troops, actually do it! Otherwise, all your doing is talking out of your [bleeped!].


But I digress, that was a bit of an off topic rant. It's unfortunate that Bush had a vendetta against Saddam and felt he needed to finish what his daddy started. There's nothing we can do about the war he fabricated so his family's oil buddies could get rich. It's too late now. We, as a nation, had as much right to invade Iraq as Iraq had to invade Kuwait, but we did it because people were too caught up in their patriotism (vengeance) to think properly.


Now, we're stuck there. We can't pull out completely but that doesn't mean we should stay there either. The new Iraqi government needs to step up and police themselves instead of relying on us to do it for them. We should scale down our presence over the next year to bring our forces to small forces in major cities only. Perhaps having a couple of semi-permanent installations in Iraq rather than several large temporary encampments around the country would be enough to calm some of the hostiles while helping the turn over of national security to the Iraqi government.

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