Elivmar Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 For those of you who play or used to play and don't know Starcraft II was just announced on Saturday! starcraft2.com for the video's. So what do you guys think? I can't wait, it's still in about pre-alpha but although it's unlikely I'm hoping for an early 2008 release. Quote
Andrey Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 I played Starcraft and Starcraft: Broodwar, and could never get enough. I am so excited about the new one. You know everybody SAYS it is in pre-alpha, but some people say it is coming out in October, and if it does come out in October then that will be amazing! The graphics in the game play video look great though. Some people are disappointed though. Others were hoping for Diablo III. I'm so glad Blizzard decided to make Starcraft II instead! One quick question: What happened to the FPS they were making. I think it was called Starcraft: Ghost or something like that. Quote
Elivmar Posted May 31, 2007 Author Posted May 31, 2007 Blizzard said Ghost has been, "Indefinitly postponed" although there is speculation about it. I think It's probally in Alpha and that we will see it in late October, early November time. If not April 1st for Starcrafts 10th anniversary. I'm glad it's starcraft II, I wouldn't have minded a Diablo III though. Just glad it's not Warcraft IV or another WoW expansion lol. The graphics do look awesome, the new 3D engine can sure do a lot. Protoss look amazing and the banelings(exploding zerglings) looks interesting lol. Quote
Andrey Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Hmmm, maybe Ghost will come out in April 1st, and Starcraft II in November. Well we will just have to wait and see, lol. Yes I agree the 3D engine is amazing. The Protoss have progressed in their technology a lot farther, which is great! The only thing that I am not happy with the Protoss is that they took out my DT's I'm okay with the goons being out, becuase the immortals are a lot better but not the DT's. They were my fav. But oh well. I can't wait to see the zerg units and buildings. I hope they didn't take out the lurks or hydras. What was your fav. species? Quote
Andrey Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 I think they did take them out, but you are right. We don't know yet, lol. NOOOO, that sucks.... Then probably April next year. Quote
Elivmar Posted June 1, 2007 Author Posted June 1, 2007 Yea hopefully April, so expect August. Blizzard ALWAYS releases stuff late lol. Protoss are my favorite and Zerg are a close second. I'll probably play 'toss so long as not everyone is playing them. Quote
Andrey Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 Yea the always do. Same here Protoss and Zerg. Terran aren't really that good, but in Starcraft II they look promising. Especially the Reapers! Quote
Elivmar Posted June 1, 2007 Author Posted June 1, 2007 I thought Terran were good in SC. Siege tank + Goliaths were amazing. However it looks like there is a counter for everything now. Quote
Andrey Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 Yea they were. I loved the siege tanks and the jets...forgot their name...arhh can't remember....oh well. They were the Terran jets that can cloak themselves. Those were my fav. units. Yes there is a counter for everything. Blizzard is trying to make the game more balanced. Quote
Kyougi Posted June 3, 2007 Posted June 3, 2007 Starcraft was already pretty balanced compared to other RTS games. I didn't expect it to be released this year. The game looks like it's built for currently new technology, so it would be a while before most PCs could handle it anways. Quote
Elivmar Posted June 3, 2007 Author Posted June 3, 2007 The Terran Wraiths. Rumor is there probably going to be taken out but I don't know if it's true. Ya SC is really balanced, SCII has a lot to live up to. Quote
Andrey Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 Actually the Starcraft II is pretty much like Sims 2. So if your computer can handle Sims 2 pretty well I don't think Starcraft II will be a prob. I think SC II will be good, but if they take out all of the favorite units then nobody will play it. Like they took out the goons. Goons were everybody's favorite unit. Quote
Elivmar Posted June 4, 2007 Author Posted June 4, 2007 Goons were cool, but the Immortals look pretty cool too lol. I think I'll be fine with SDII. I played WoW for a few months and it can't be much worse than that. Quote
Kyougi Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 Free Website Designing said: Actually the Starcraft II is pretty much like Sims 2. So if your computer can handle Sims 2 pretty well I don't think Starcraft II will be a prob. Goons were everybody's favorite unit. Says who? 'Cuz all you needed to do to win was max out on those :/ Quote
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