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Php Not Working In Code When Removing File Extension

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I'm hosted at hostgator, but I hope I can get some help here.

So some of the design on my page is being directed there by php.

&--#60;?php include_once("templateDesign.php"); ?&--#62;

I wanted to remove the file extensions, so you could just type mysite.com/example and the .php extension wouldn't come up. I did this by using this code in my htaccess file:

# Apache Rewrite Rules

&--#60;IfModule mod_rewrite.c&--#62;

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /



# Remove .php-extension from url

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f

RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)/$ $1.php


# End of Apache Rewrite Rules


Now, the problem is it isn't loading the content from the .php correctly. Just some come up, indicating that it reaches the .php file with content, but doesn't load it correctly.

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Go ahead and create your file with a .php extension and then add this to the .htaccess:


Options +MultiViews


Then you can remove the .php from the url like this:








Also work for image files.


This is how it works here at heliohost. Not sure about HostGator.

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Go ahead and create your file with a .php extension and then add this to the .htaccess:
Options +MultiViews

Then you can remove the .php from the url like this: http://bybyron.net/test/hello_world or http://bybyron.net/test/hello_world.php Also work for image files. This is how it works here at heliohost. Not sure about HostGator.


Thanks a ton, that worked :D

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