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Migration From Localhost To Live

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I have a similar problem. I downloaded wordpress from cpanel softaculous, which is fine, the path is www.mirsultankhan.com/wp/ my question is, how to i get the wordpress files from mirsultankhan.com/wp to my domian mirsultankhan.com, so that when i type www.mirsultankhan.com in my browser, my site appears. At present i can see my site but i need to use the file path mirsultankhan.com with the suffix /wp i.e www.mirsultankhan/wp - kind regards and thanks for your contiunued patience - robbie.

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greetings dear friends and a thousand salaams to you, may your sons be as many as the sands of the desert and your daughters as beautiful as the saffron, i asked this elsewhere but i feel it needs its own post.


I downloaded wordpress from cpanel softaculous, which is fine, the path is www.mirsultankhan.com/wp/ my question is, how do i get the wordpress files from mirsultankhan.com/wp to my domian mirsultankhan.com, so that when i type www.mirsultankhan.com in my browser, my site appears. At present i can see my site but i need to use the file path mirsultankhan.com with the suffix /wp i.e www.mirsultankhan/wp - kind regards and thanks for your continued patience - robbie.

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The simplest way to do this is to create a file named index.php in your public_html folder with the following contents:


This will redirect all traffic to mirsultankhan.com to www.mirsultankhan/wp.

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alas great one i have failed you,


I created an idex.php in public_html directory, copied and pasted the code in the code editor, saved and i get an internal message error please see the webmaster,


for days i have been watching youtube videos, reading blogs, people doing very complicated things with PHPmyadmin and MY SQL databases, and C++ editor, replacing all the HTTP, references and it was all too much for a poor noobster to take so i reached out to you guys in the hope that the pain would not overcome me and i would give out entirely and simply go to wix.com and get a horrible retail package (oh the pain and shame of it)


thank you for trying, we are finding solutions to our problems and this problem will eventually be solved - kind regards and thanks for taking the time - Robbie.


btw check out my site, its looks pretty awesome and i only just started, its for free chess advice and learning,




I would just like to say that it works, i simply amended the text to read






and it directs my domain name to the sub directory, which i nice although a little artificial, thanks so much regards.

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great one a thousand salaams to you, there is no need to apologise, in actual fact i am the one who needs to apologise for being such a super noob, all i needed to do was install the wordpress files and directories directly into the public_html dirtectory instead of a sub directory /wp, how hard could it be and yet i did not realise it during the initial set up of wordpress,


its a wretched pupil that does not surpass his master - Leonardo da Vinci


thanks again for everying - regards robbie

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