My domain emails are forwarded to a gmail account unless spamassassin flags them as spam in which case they are left in a spam mailbox on tommy which is regularly monitored and emails deleted if spam or forwarded if they are false alerts. This setup tries to avoid having tommy blacklisted by gmail who might think tommy is trying to forward spam. I have noticed from track delivery that some spam mail is being going through spam assassin and the thing that concerns me most is that no spam score is being given to the mail. One mail in particular had "Sanesecurity.Malware.27397.RtfHeur.Zip.UNOFFICIAL" and was refused by gmail. Attached are the screenshots of the said incident. I also tried blacklisting the sender via spamassassin control panel but the incident happened again with the same sender! Can I please get some help in resolving this for the sake of myself and the rest of this community. I'm sure that just as I am getting these forwards others are having the same misses by spamassassin which might result in blacklisting by major email providers. Ron.