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Everything posted by vietstar

  1. Thank you ! I want to move the accounts had at Tommy jonhny to get it? I'd love to support you but I can not.
  2. 5 dollars is not a problem, but to switch to the new you is difficult, because I do not need any international transaction card
  3. I also want to support you, but I was in Vietnam, and not to use the international transaction card.
  4. Dear Root Admin ! Is there a problem with the server? I can not access my page.
  5. Thanks for your help! However the server is offline, so I can not check.
  6. Thanks for support ! I have found the problem, but the addon domain name could seem very slow. After I removed the domain and subdomains are still error when adding domains. extract: (XID sycczj) A DNS entry for "vietstar.eu.org" already exists. Phải remove this DNS entry in the DNS servers from all cluster to PROCEED.
  7. Thanks for support ! I'll check back later when server activity.
  8. Dear Root Admin ! I want to add the domain name system vietstar.eu.org however announced config, but it always Queued mode. Please check back for me this problem. Thank you ! main domain: vietstar.us
  9. Chào bạn ! Đây là diễn đàn hỗ trợ bằng tiếng Anh, tuy nhiên tôi sẽ trợ giúp bạn thông qua Quản trị Heliohost.org. Bạn đã đăng ký tài khoản với tên miền phụ hoặc tên miền nào ? Tên đăng nhập cpanel của bạn là gì ? What is your cpanel username and main domain? Dear Krydos ! I will send you switch to English after receiving the information required to fully support this member.
  10. If Root Admin allows, I will support you with this. Ok?
  11. Thanks Root Admin so much, it's fine !
  12. Now 48h but www.vietstar.us Queued Account still
  13. I change main domain with script from heliohost.org
  14. I have addon domain name but it is in state Queued Account. You can help me check and fix this okay? Thank you very much ! http://vietstar.us/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi
  15. Thanks for your support ! Looks like server operation is not stable, I too often out site.
  16. Yeah I know what you mean. But I mean want vietstar.us the main domain name hosting.
  17. That domain do not use own primary domain
  18. Thanks for answering ! Domain names that I mentioned is vietstar.us. There is little confused )
  19. I use the function key to switch hosting domain name but it seems it does not work. Administrators can check this function is not? I think this is a very good function. Thanks a lot ! http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain There was an error when the system attempted to create the alias. Park::park(vietstar.us) failed: (XID xab3c4) A DNS entry for “vietstar.us” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. Please check and fix this problem. Thanks again !
  20. Thank you very much ! I have seen it work.However I can not log in cpanel, always log false alarm, I tried to reset the password reset page fault but. Bother you help me send account information to buithoigianvn@gmail.com mail so I can log in. Sincere thanks!
  21. Dear Root Admin ! I went to create a new account as you say, but I can not log in and can not find my account activity. Please check back to help me. registration email: buithoigianvn@gmail.com Check account: Your account has been created, and your main domain nst is ready to go. If you're still seeing the account queued page when you go to your domain make sure you clear your browser cache or view your site through a proxy. Sometimes the queued page can get saved in your browser even though your site is working. You can log in to your cPanel to begin creating your website. Reset Pass: Your account is located on the Johnny server. Due to a catastrophic hardware failure Johnny is currently offline. We are sending an admin to our datacenter to work on the server as soon as possible. We hope to be able to recover all of the user data on Johnny, but it's too early to know if there will be anything to recover. You can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for the latest news. If you would like to transfer your account to Stevie you may do so by creating a new account. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your patience during this unexpected downtime.
  22. Thank you for helping! six hours before I have to take a job should surely not be registered for an account at that time, you can help me to initiate an account with domain name www.vietstar.us okay? I am very grateful to you! I have a question: apparently the domain name being associated with a vietstar.tk account is active, if so, then you just help me get back username and password and email add buithoigianvn@gmail.com. I am the owner of this domain name, I will send you photos of this domain account.
  23. Hello ! I tried to re-register with email hosting in server buithoigianvn@gmail.com however Johnny was 3 days but it was not activated, if can you help me check the register to avoid registering multiple accounts. thank you very much
  24. Thanks for answering ! If can you help me to change so that it can work again with Johnny server, because the current server Steve was not active anymore. Thank you very much !
  25. Dear Root Admin ! Currently I still see my old account active at Johnny server with the domain name that I have registered vietstar.tk before it fails. However I can not log into cpanel is, the current account is in the Queued status. Would you please help me check and fix it so it works. Sincere thanks!Account: VietstarDomain: www.vietstar.tk
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