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  1. Paid with Visa VISA Debit Card x-1594 You'll see "PAYPAL *HELIOHOST" on your card statement. Category Donations Transaction ID 1AV11162NU3907015 Sent to Helio Networks 802-884-3546 https://heliohost.org/ admin@heliohost.org Total $10.00 Purchase details Heliohost Donate $0.00
  2. where do I find the transaction ID?
  3. I have my files. I was looking for a Ricky invite. The forum post mentioned that Tommy Donors could move to Ricky. How do I get that invite?
  4. Hello, Little late on the detection, but it seems Tommy is dead, accounts deleted. The forum post suggests requesting Ricky server access here if you were a donor to Tommy. Well I was, So here I is/ =)
  5. Username: proavia2 Jim
  6. Hello, I've tried to create a new account. I got past the initial setup where it said it could take up to 24 hours to complete. Going on day 2 now and I am unable to log in to Cpanel. I get the error that my username does not exist. Jim
  7. I tried, but it errors out. We're sorry, but that domain has already been taken. Please go back and enter a different domain. proaviator.com is my domain, currently attached to Johnny. Jim.
  8. Hello, Looks like Johnny continues to be constantly down. I would like to move to Stevie and give that a try but it errors out saying I already have an account tied to my proaviator.com domain. But I can't get in to Johnny to delete it, it says my password is wrong but I am 100% sure it is correct, so I'm assuming it is a bug since Johnny is down and unable to validate me. Anyways. could you please delete me off Johnny and move me to Stevie. I've not gotten email in over a month. Thanks. Jim
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