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Posts posted by werl.heliohost.org

  1. Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that when you woke up you felt as if you were still dreaming? Image if you were unable to wake up from that dream, how then would you be able to tell reality from fiction? If say, one object is erased from a system and the system continues as if nothing happened, how then can the other objects have recolation of the erased object? The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence they say, if you have no evidence to prove we exist does not mean we do not, it doesn't mean we do either, hell, it doesnt mean anything.


    I will conclude by saying, my friend, you are not real, neither am i nor anyone else here! We are all infinitely small blips in such an insanelly huge system that our existence is a mathematical impossibility of titanic propotions.



    If anyone understood the above, please check into a mental hospital.


    I under stood the whole thing


    We can't be real with out being fake, we can't be fake if were not real.


    For all you know I could be a super advanced to secrete computer some where in the USA trying to get information on you. Then again, I could just as easily be 14 and writing this, to creep people out even more I could be a 40 year old man sitting on his but trying to meet some kids to rape. Think of of me as you will, I was just telling the truth.

  2. Just wondering if any body plays simutrans. If you would like to try it follow the link in my signature.



    Also, if you do please say the name of the pak (yes that is really what it is called) set.


    I use pak 128, pak Britten 128, and pak 64.



    If you want to find me on the simutrans forum, my screen name is werl

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