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  1. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some suggestions on what to add to my website. It is very basic right now, so I was wondering if I could add something more advanced to it... Not too advanced though, as I am more of a beginner when it comes to writing code. My website domain is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  2. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas on what to add to my website. Things like different features that I should add to my website would be very helpful. My website domain is: saveapet.heliohost.org My username is: bborgia The server that my website is on is: Johnny
  3. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas on what to add to my website. Things like different features that I should add to my website would be very helpful. My website is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  4. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas on what to add to my website. Things like different features that I should add to my website would be very helpful. My website is: saveapet.heliohost.org
  5. YES!!! It's on the web! Thank you everyone who helped me through this forum!
  6. ftp.saveapet.heliohost.org and I used Microsoft Word
  7. Is there a way to know if my website is on the web yet? Can you tell me please? It has been quite a while now. When ever I type in some of my pages of my website in the URL code (I do put the full web address in), it just shows the code.
  8. Okay Thanks!!!
  9. I'm really sorry for wasting your time, but how exactly do you do that? I mean, I used a book called "Go Berserk Making a Website Using HTML and CSS" (or at least I think that's what it's called), to make a website, but they used the <font> </font> tags... I'm really lost right now. I'm also very new to making websites. /Oops, nevermind about the alt, i remember how to do that. But whats the other part of what you said?
  10. <?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html><head> <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "stylesheets/style.css" type= "text/css" /> <title>Save a Pet</title> </head> <meta name= "description" content="Save a Pet" /> <meta name= "keywords" content="Adopt Pets Shelter Rescues" /> <body class= "gradient"> <h1 align= "center" class= "blueshadow"><font color= "red" size= "8" face= "Comic Sans MS">Save a Pet</font>t<br />Hello.<br /> Did you know that by adopting animals from shelters/rescues, millions of lives are saved? Go to a local shelter/rescue and maybe... you'll find the perfect pet! The animals in shelters and rescues are mostly either animals that were left to die by their old owners or their owners really did care about them and they just could't afford to take care of them anymore.<br /><h2 align= "center">They need your help!</h2><br />If you're looking for a pet, you should first take a look at your local shelter or rescue, because these poor animals need someone to love them and care for them. Remember, most of these animals were either abused or mistreated by their original owners, or they were sent there because the owners couldn't take care of them anymore. Not many people realize this, but most dogs at pet stores are from puppy mills. Puppy mills are where people leave dogs in their cages basically their entire life and make them reproduce until they can't reproduce anymore; after that, they just get rid of them. It's terrible what happens to these poor animals! They do this with cats and other animals too. After they force them to reproduce, they sell their offspring for money. That's the whole point of the business... money. That's just a couple reasons why you should think twice before getting a dog from a <i>pet store.</i> You should also think twice before getting a cat <i>or</i> a dog from a <i>breeder.</i> For example: I want a French Bulldog, but I'm not going to look for one at a pet store... I'm going to look for one at a rescue or shelter because even purebreeds need homes. If you are interested in adopting or fostering an animal, click on this link <a href= "http://www.petfinder.com"> Pet Finder</a> <p><a href= "websitepages.html">Shelters in NJ</a> This link goes to a page that lists just a few of the many animal shelters and rescues in New Jersey.</p> <table border= "1" bordercolor= "black"> <tr> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog1.jpg" width= "200px"></td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog2.jpg" width= "200px"></td> <td><img src= "images/sheltercat.jpg" width= "200px"></td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog3.jpg" width= "200px"></td> <td><img src= "images/sheltercat1.jpg" width= "125px"></td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog4.jpg" width= "150px"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </body> </html>
  11. I honestly don't know. The other day, when I tried to view my website using ftp, it told me there was an error in my code. So, I then attempted to fix this problem with the code, although the error message was a bit confusing. And I'm still waiting for my website to be put on the Internet.
  12. <?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html><head> <link rel= "stylesheet" href= "stylesheets/style.css" type= "text/css" /> <title>Save a Pet</title> </head> <meta name= "description" content="Save a Pet" /> <meta name= "keywords" content="Adopt Pets Shelter Rescues" /> <body class= "gradient"> <h1 align= "center" class= "blueshadow"><font color= "red" size= "8" face= "Comic Sans MS">Save a Pet</h1></font><br />Hello.<br /> Did you know that by adopting animals from shelters/rescues, millions of lives are saved? Go to a local shelter/rescue and maybe... you'll find the perfect pet! The animals in shelters and rescues are mostly either animals that were left to die by their old owners or their owners really did care about them and they just could't afford to take care of them anymore.<br /><h2 align= "center">They need your help!</h2><br />If you're looking for a pet, you should first take a look at your local shelter or rescue, because these poor animals need someone to love them and care for them. Remember, most of these animals were either abused or mistreated by their original owners, or they were sent there because the owners couldn't take care of them anymore. Not many people realize this, but most dogs at pet stores are from puppy mills. Puppy mills are where people leave dogs in their cages basically their entire life and make them reproduce until they can't reproduce anymore; after that, they just get rid of them. It's terrible what happens to these poor animals! They do this with cats and other animals too. After they force them to reproduce, they sell their offspring for money. That's the whole point of the business... money. That's just a couple reasons why you should think twice before getting a dog from a <i>pet store.</i> You should also think twice before getting a cat <i>or</i> a dog from a <i>breeder.</i> For example: I want a French Bulldog, but I'm not going to look for one at a pet store... I'm going to look for one at a rescue or shelter because even purebreeds need homes. If you are interested in adopting or fostering an animal, click on this link <a href= "http://www.petfinder.com"> Pet Finder<a/> <p><a href= "websitepages.html">Shelters in NJ</a> This link goes to a page that lists just a few of the many animal shelters and rescues in New Jersey.</p> <table border= "1" bordercolor= "black"> <tr> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog1.jpg" width= "200px"></td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog2.jpg" width= "200px"</td> <td><img src= "images/sheltercat.jpg" width= "200px"</td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog3.jpg" width= "200px"</td> <td><img src= "images/sheltercat1.jpg" width= "125px"</td> <td><img src= "images/shelterdog4.jpg" width= "150px"</td> </tr> </table> </td> </body> </html> Is something wrong with this code?
  13. I wrote my code in HTML
  14. Hi, I am kinda new to HelioHost and using FileZilla, and just making websites in general. I've already created my website, but whenever I type in the URL, after I log into FTP, I get this thing saying: This page contains the following errors: error on line 12 at column 55: Opening and ending tag mismatch: font line 0 and h1 Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. Whenever I try to find the error in the CODE that I've typed, I can't find it. If someone could please tell me what this means and how to fix it, please do! Thanks in advance
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