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Jean Felipe Cardoso

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Everything posted by Jean Felipe Cardoso

  1. Hello, First, sorry for my bad English. I would like to inform the Lords moderators / administrators of a problem in the functioning of the control panel - Cpanel. Since yesterday afternoon encounter problems accessing my control panel, receiving an error message indicating that operations were suspended due to the CPanel file system mounted on / be out of disk space. As I understand it - mainly by the knowledge that I have in Unix / Linux systems, the problem is not on the area of my business, because I believe that even the storage of users should be on another hd or partition, no? So I think it is even a problem where you have allocated the operating system itself, ie, lack of space on hd main server? Maybe. But in the end, what is happening? When the problem will be solved? Below I reproduce the error message I received: "Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition." I await a response. Jean
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