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Everything posted by vaceer

  1. Dont you just need 25 posts?
  2. Streamline - By Newton
  3. i really like this fourm layout better. it looks so much better then the old one.
  4. Toys'r'us (i just put the ' so it would be easier to read. ) cause i want to buy some games.
  5. vaceer


    hey! im from Canada 2! Where from? im from western canada, Alberta Calgary.
  6. i dint see it but isent the new villian the son of the man who was the green gobline? (sorry i forgot the names.)
  7. since though nintendo is japanesse bassed i think thats the prouncing of a word in japan which probally means more, or it might just mean We.
  8. Ubisoft is coming out with another title, i thought, it just hasent been realsed any detail except that there making another one for the Codename Revolution now called WII.
  9. i agree i think its a great idea, to make the New Super Mario brothers, i got it on the first day it came out in Canada. i also like the new wall jump abillty, though i think they got the idea from super mario 64!
  10. hey i have windows live email, and it rocks. You just uses your Hotmail account, and you get more space, and it has a wicked layout which is so easy to use!
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