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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. The Iranian guys are at it again. My site http://windswept.heliohost.org/ has the "HACKED BY Iranian DataCoders Security Team" thing as the homepage again. (Also getting "This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (Invalid License Timer, tamper prevention activated)" when I try to log into cpanel again.) This time I know it's neither an improper permissions problem nor a problem with unescaped HTML/PHP/etc. - I had every single file chmoded to 644 or 600 just to see if those guys would come back and do that again. The only thing that wasn't was the mail server folder, which was at 770, which I left alone as that was already there when I first got my Heliohost site, and I've never changed it.
  2. I was getting this problem earlier today, but everything's working now.
  3. Thanks, that worked. I was worried for a bit that those Iranian guys had done more than just mess up my website. Good to know it was just my ISP's nameservers screwing up and my computer's ok. Hm... Looks like they screwed up the index.cgi page and added an index.html page. *Deletes them* I -think- everything else has been left alone.
  4. Looks like my site was hacked, too: http://windswept.heliohost.org/ Should I try to fix this now, or let you take a look and see what they did first? I don't have anything installed on the site, it's all my own stuff. And I don't -think- I set anything to 777. Might've been some problems with html not being properly escaped, though. I figured since it was just a test site and all of 5 people knew about it, it wouldn't be a problem, so I kinda hadn't gotten around to fixing that yet. >.> *Edit to add. And for some reason I can't access google, or yahoo, or forumcircle, and a whole bunch of sites right now. But I can access a few sites (like this one), so my internet isn't broken. Could this possibly be related, or is it just a coincidence? That was fine just a couple hours ago. I'm on Ubuntu Linux.
  5. Ok. Trying again with: username: crumpets domain: windswept.heliohost.org Can't access the cpanel/webpage, but got an e-mail saying it was added to the creation queue. *Edit* Yay! It worked! I'm in. Thanks.
  6. Yep. Didn't see anything in there.
  7. Heliohost name: pancakes Domain: windswept.heliohost.org I signed up a while ago and got an email with the error: I tried re-signing up a few times, using the exact same details each time, but kept getting this error: Going to http://windswept.heliohost.org or http://windswept.heliohost.org/cpanel both give an "Address Not Found" error. It's been well over 48 hours. (On a different note - signing up for the forums was a bit of a pain - apparently both my mail.com and hotmail.com accounts weren't letting the validation e-mail through, so I had to use my yahoo.com account. Even then, I -thought- I validated my e-mail, but it still wouldn't let me post. Eventually I had it send the validation yet again, so as you can see, I'm in now.)
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