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Posts posted by Aleron

  1. Thanks bryon. I reread the fact and there was the answer...


    Q. What does dl() [function.dl]: Temporary module name should contain only filename mean?

    A. This is because the server uses PHP 5.2.5 or higher, and the Loader must be installed in the php.ini file in this case. Your hosting provider should be able to do this for you, but it may also be possible for you to use a custom php.ini file to install the Loader yourself.

    First view a phpinfo page for the server and see if the entry for Server API says CGI. If it does then PHP may read configuration instructions from a php.ini file that it finds in the same location as the first PHP script processed on each request. To test this, create a file called php.ini in the same location as the phpinfo page and refresh the phpinfo(). If the file used as the configuration file is now listed as the file that you created, it is possible to use a custom php.ini file. You should then add a line to the php.ini file that says


    zend_extension = /path/to/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so


    Replace /path/to with the full path to where the Loader is located on the system, and if the server uses PHP 5.3, 5.4 etc., replace 5.2 with the correct number for the PHP version used. Lastly replicate the php.ini file in each location where scripts are located that are accessed directly by the browser.


    So do I submit a request to djbob to edit the php.ini?


  2. Yep, that was one of the first threads I read. And I do have the ioncube folder in the local directory where the files are. But when I access the loader helper file there's a message on top looks like this...


    Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Temporary module name should contain only filename in /home/PRIVATE/public_html/alpha/ioncube/ioncube-loader-helper.php on line 411



    Sorry folks, but this is above me.

  3. Howdy Everyone. :D


    I just have a quick little question. I've searched the message boards, hoping to see if my question is answered, but all the posts were a little vague on that.


    Anyway, I was trying to install ioncube in my main directory, using the traditional install method. However, the blasted thing didn't want to install. So after searching these boards, the impression I got after reading the threads concluded that it has to be done admin side? Is that correct? :unsure:


    Thanks! Awesome place here... You guys did a great job on HelioHost!

  4. I'm gonna have to vote for Classical. Since that's what I've mostly been listening to. Although in defense, I like most genres of music (and listen to it all), except for Rap and Gospel.


    As for bands, my favorite band to this day remains Fleetwood Mac! They're my all time fav! Followed by Owl City.

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