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Posts posted by JunkNerd

  1. Just here to post some of the work I've done. Academically I'm a Mechanical Engineer from the University of Michigan, but I'm really into every field of 'engineering' I can get my hands on.


    I've created two previous 'personal' sites, however both were lost with the closing of GeoCities in 2009. Was also the webmaster for many years to a site dedicated to a volunteer group mentoring high school students in the engineering and logistics of building robots (a <a href="http://www.usfirst.org/">FIRST Robotics</a> group).


    Beyond HTML, I also code in VB.NET, C/C++, BASIC, Javascript, Perl, and any other language I feel might be useful to a specific project. My website will hopefully end up displaying, and possibly selling, some of the software I've written.


    My hobbies also include work in electronics, automotive, and a bit of art which usually incorporates some aspect of my fabrication abilities.



    I look forward to a good experience with HelioHost and my latest website http://junknerd.heliohost.org/


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