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  1. It's funny that everywhere throughout the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and The Bill of rights that "," is understood as a separator within the text. For some, this seam to be confusing, into thinking this one insistence it's just a pause or worse yet to relate "the people" with "Militia". Militias are a group, a group of people but still a group. People may be apart of Militias, but Militias may not be apart of people. People are individuals, free and clear of any associations and bindings. Jefferson clearly stated this in the Declaration of Independence when saying "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.". How can anyone have Life or Liberty not to even mention the right to pursue Happiness, Without being able to defend yourself? Homeschoolers and people being schooled prior to the turn of the 20th century had a great advantage over our public school system. They could, and often did, learn from teachings of people like Lao-tzu of the late sixth century BC until president. While our public school system purchases works that are copyrighted. How are you going to copyright Shakespeare, Frost, Twain or De Vinci?
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