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    Where Mt.everest lies,Buddha's birthplace and where every one knows to love!

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  1. Everything done only .htaccess remaining to work for me!
  2. Thanks but i want to rewrite hamroworld.com/anyvariable to hamroword.com/profile.php?profile=anyvariable It is not only 'mypage' I waiting for your help again
  3. i want to rewrite the url as following ? http://hamroworld.com/mypage into http://hamroworld.com/profile.php?profile=mypage For example: if someone enters http://hamroworld.com/mypage he/she should get the content of hamroworld.com/profile.php?profile=mypage How to do this ?please help me here I have headache because of this !
  4. hahaha,what type of script do you want and why?
  5. I really want to know what sort of iframe attack is that??????????.Plz help me here ,i am not a good web designer. And this site is just for testing and i still have to work a lot on this project.You may consider this site to be 5% complete. hello, i'm not a pro , just a novice in programming things, but i think the problem is that your DB request was refused is that the information you put are wrong, may be, if the database is hosted on helionet, you had to put your helio host connection information. i just took a look at your site, its looks great, but one thing, you didn't have to put online unless it is completly functionnal !!!. if you need advices on communication and advertising, just contact me , R.A I know this site should not be online before complete development. I don't know how this design is great because i am going to replace this as it is a poor and old design.I also want to know how i can get the traffic enough to run a social site????? Anyway thanks !
  6. plz go to hamroworld.com/index.php not hamroworld.com type full address hamroworld.com/index.php and you can enter my site now signup and you may want to add me as friend here hamoworld.com/saurav my site may have poor design but plz reply here about the features this is only a preview of hamroworld.
  7. well,i am doing it with mysql.I have almost developed it but how do i get people who will be the member?Can all the helionet members join it .And also i have completed this portions: 1.Messaging System 2.Friends 3.Profiles with personal urls 4.Comments like in myspace 5.Polls where you can create your own polls etc.. I choosed hamroworld.com for my website's domain .Is it cool well its means ourworld with hamro referring our. Isn't it a cool name SO,hamroworld.com And plz i want to use remote mysql that connects with database here in sauravrawals.co.cc which is hosted here when i tried to connect here this message.... Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'xxxxxx'@'h34-157-86-74.sl-alpha.reverse.dnshostname.net' (using password: NO) in /home/hamrow/public_html/test2.php on line 11 here is my code <?php function connect_db() { global $link; $host = 'sauravrawals.co.cc'; $user = 'rawal_rawal'; $pass = 'rawal'; $dbname = 'rawal_xsite; $link = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die ("Could not connect to database"); return $link; } ?> <?php if (!isset($link)) connect_db(); @mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ("Could not select database"); ?>
  8. Dear frens ,plz suggest me which database should i use for my heavy traffic and which features may be perfect ?
  9. Will you please provide the link?
  10. but i nerver heard about it
  11. I am using windows vista sp1but ,i have played with ubuntu,redhat and windows 7.Unfortunately i am with win vista,i will be using a linux soon...........................
  12. Yes, I have the same problem .As far my knowledge we cannot do any anything other than waiting the webhost admin to solve this quickly .There is the problem with phpmyadmin and we don't have access to phpmyadmin installation.I am waiting .please solve quickly....
  13. hi, you can use the following php scripts for your need: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ /insert MYSQL INSERT command here in a particular database's table} else{ //insert html form here with method='post' } ?> And ,make a page that connects to mysql and extracts the table and echo the data and you are ready to view your comments on your website! This is just a example if you need real working page wait............i will be back soon..
  14. i think the time is valuable,so save it :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :D :D :D :D :D
  15. hey moko,all you should know is sauravrawal is my site major identification.Did you get it!
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