is this code is correct? {{{{{<?PHP require_once("./include/fg_membersite.php"); $fgmembersite = new FGMembersite(); //Provide your site name here $fgmembersite->SetWebsiteName(''); //Provide the email address where you want to get notifications $fgmembersite->SetAdminEmail(''); //Provide your database login details here: //hostname, user name, password, database name and table name //note that the script will create the table (for example, fgusers in this case) //by itself on submitting register.php for the first time $fgmembersite->InitDB(/*hostname*/'', /*username*/'gagetboy', /*password*/'**************', /*database name*/'gagetboy_ix-c', /*table name*/'fgusers3'); ?>}}}}}}}}}}}