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Everything posted by desou

  1. it seemed can not repaire the wrong http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=4799 so i think if there is the best way to add on my domain die the account then register is again then addon the domain
  2. :wacko: who?when?repaire the wrong for me? tks
  3. can not see at the cPanel for addons and can see the directory for my addon domain in my public_html directory so i delete the directory, then add the addon,it tell me :the addon had configured,and also can not see the domain at cPanel for addon
  4. i delete a domain from addon,now i need to addon again,but i can not addon again. when i addon it,it tell me it had addon,but i can not see it at addon pls help me it is 'jeanfun.com' else i addon just like xxx.jeanfun.com,can not too.
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