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Everything posted by Net2008

  1. After a day's worth of uploading everything we are back up and running again. Thanks, Bill!
  2. Thanks, Bill!
  3. It's not that we didn't use the site - it was summer - out of season... I guess we have to be more careful to keep the site alive... Thanks, Bill, for the info! You are a gem! Guess I have my work cut out for me for next week... sigh
  4. Oh boy! Does that mean I ahve to recreate everything adn upload everything again? Will I be able to use teh same domain name? :S
  5. Last year! Everything was working fine. I just tried to log on to update the site in regards to the new season which starts in October. And it's a no-go.
  6. Hello I have the following problems: - my website windsornetballclub.heliohost is down - I tried to log in to find out what's wrong and it won't let me - I tried to reset my password a few times but have not received the email with the confirmation code + What to do?? + Strangely enough I was able to use my password and ID to log in here to type up this cry for help. Anybody got any ideas what to do? Carly
  7. Did you check your spam mail folder? - Yes I have (of course!!) Did you try to login with all lowercase letters in your username? - No I didn't, good suggestion! ---- OMG!! That worked!!! I don't know why (since my name starts with a capital letter) but it worked!! Thanks so much!!! XOXOXOX Have you been a good little boy? - Actually I am a girl Alrighty - off to do some web designing Thanks again!!!!
  8. Hello Ok, so I tried to open up a new account to get a new website for my netball club, but I can not get past the login screen (cpanel). I tried everything from resending the password (which I know) to trying the address as username, but nothing works. The email account for the club is with hotmail, and I have yet to receive ONE email from Helionet there! How come? When I switched the email for this posting account to my university email, I did finally get validated and was able to post this query here, but that still didn't get me any further getting my website started. What could be the problem here? Am I just dense or is there a flaw in the system? How can I fix this?? By the way, I can not access the .../cpanel site directly - A small server window pops up asking me for the username and password, and if I just hit OK three times (or put JUST my username in) it lets me proceed to the login screen, where I am stuck again after entering both, my username and password. Gosh this is frustrating. Any ideas how to fix this? I promised my club members a new site but this doesn't look good...! Help!!! Oh, and yes, the 24hr waiting period is over already...
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