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Everything posted by WorldBuilder

  1. Congratulations and thanks for the update.
  2. I just tried what you suggested and deleted the old user, recreating it again afterwords and updating my configuration.php file. My site works again! Thank you all so much!
  3. Greetings, I have enjoyed fantastic hosting for the past year with your hosting service, my fansite, CastleWorld. http://castleworld.heliohost.org/ Of late I cannot connect to the site, at first I figured I hit it during downtime but days later it's still down. I am able to ping the site via the command prompt and can access it via ftp and the CP. The problem is in the browser, when I try to access it I get the following error "Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.". Now I did some looking online and this is a common error caused by misinformation on the configuration.php file, thing is though, I haven't modified the site in a month and after checking the file everything seems to check out. Then I checked the CP and for my Joomla database it shows a size of 0.00MB which leads me to believe someone deleted it somehow. Nobody besides me administrates the site and I beleive I took proper security measures when setting up the database and site. This leads me to ask, did you at helionet somehow end up deleting my database? Am I missing something? What could have happened to it? Did someone do this because I sometimes forgot to log into the CP monthly? Please help. Edit: I just tried logging into my phpmyadmin and got error #1045 Cannot log into the MySQL server, could the problem be on your end?
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