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  1. Brazil or Shaun of the dead
  2. I saw 5FDP in concert the other. I immediately bought the album. haha
  3. It killed anything that was good about the books. But as a movie, it was alright. I wouldnt own it. Thank god for netflix
  4. The Watchmen. I read it a couple years ago, but with the movie coming out, I decided to read it again. Ive read life of pi and 1984. Theyre both some of my favorite books
  5. It..... was..... awesome.
  6. dirturbed, queensryche, or alice in chains.
  7. only when im looking up stuff thats not for school. for reports or other things, definately not.
  8. Panzer Dragoon Orta. i dont know why, but i hated it. another bad one was called something like might and magic 5. im not sure
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