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Everything posted by gridbuilder

  1. try to google as how to execute xml via javascript...
  2. they are all so good.... thanks for sharing them... thumbs up..
  3. keep up the good work...
  4. why don't you download the song on a computer or laptop and then try to transfer it via itunes.. if it isnt the case then please be more specific about your problem..
  5. have you read Django's documentation.. Go through it once and i assure you you wont have any problem after that https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/admin/ it may be boring but try to read as faithfully as possible. you may even explore additional options...
  6. i dont think that free host allow custom php.ini nor i am saying they should allow (security reason) . hence you cannot increase memory limit. All you can do is execute php in smaller components. i can help you if you answer these... 1. Which CMS are you using or is it a custom programmed script 2. Why do you need to increse the memory limit...
  7. is there any known free script for organising a music community , maybe a cms that can do the same for me or any joomla moudule or components that are known to anyone of you
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