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Posts posted by mikeloyst

  1. You all know nothing.


    Joomla and drupal have the same features, except with drupal you get so much more.


    Tens of thousands of modules and add ons for everything from an online store integrated with paypal to facebook integration. Drupal was rated number one out of all the CMS systems by C|Net. Trust me, drupal

  2. The best platform for you no questions asked is Drupal.


    Drupal is an open sourced CMS (content management system)


    Long story short, you upload this to your website, and you have a full functioning PHP and MySQL website that requires no HTML & PHP coding unless you want to do some custom mods.


    The great thing with Drupal is that you can add functionality like integration with anything from Facebook, windows live, to Google maps and even the ability to create an online social network, or even an online store as big as amazon. All this is done through add-on modules provided by the open source community. The same goes for the look of your site, you can browse through thousands of pre-made themes that are open to any type of customization. The possibilities with this platform are limitless.


    C|Net download.com says this about drupal

    Drupal is an open-source platform and content-management system for building dynamic Web sites. It offers a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing work flow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies, and XML publishing for content-sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of Web projects ranging from personal Weblogs to large community-driven sites.


    As an open-source software project maintained and developed by a community, Drupal is free to download and use. Version 5.0 adds retooled administration pages, a Web-based installer, the jQuery JavaScript library, a new core theme, more logging reports, performance tuning, and many other new features. Drupal is platform-independent and only requires a Web server that can execute PHP scripts.


    If you need any help, feel free to ask me.


    Check it out, http://drupal.org

  3. In the case of helionet.org/index, that would simply be a sub-directory with an index.html, index.php or default.php file in it. If you want to make your website do this, simply create a directory for every page rather than a seperate HTML file. this would be the option, however it is very time consuming. I feel that the best and easiest way to design a fully functional website with seamless integration with services like openID, Windows Live and Facebook, you should look into an open source CMS (Content Management system) Called drupal.




    It works like this. You upload the files to your website, extract them, and navigate to that directory. The system guides you through the installation and database setup, and gives you a feature to give every page a clean URL. A clean URL basically masks the extension and gets rid of any nasty ?a= variables.




    Would turn out like this:



    This gives the appearance of multiple directories when it is a single php file returning database fields to display the different content.


    If you need any help,

    or send me a message.


    Look up mod_rewrite ;)

    *pours over Apache documentation*

    How would we utilize this? It looks like there are no config files for Apache in my /home.


    >>The Wizard is Confounded.<<


    Edit: Oh wait... is it through .htaccess? Means we have to make these ourselves.


    There should already be a .htaccess in your public_html directory. Just make sure that you have enabled cpanel to show hidden files

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