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Everything posted by co1dfus1on

  1. Maybe far away from now, but we live in hope.
  2. Firefox wipes the floor with most other browsers. IE is just a piece of crap that only runs on Micro$oft and is full of security holes. Opera is almost as good (it's certainly a lot faster) but doesn't have as many cool addons (rock on Gspace, ForecastFox and leetkey!).
  3. How do you know that your whole life and memory is not just a figment of your imagination?
  4. I think the same thing myself sometimes, but since I don't know the answer and I think it would be impossible to find out, and I mostly enjoy life, I just get on with it and have some fun. Also, maybe life is a series of nested dreams... have you ever had a dream within a dream? Maybe this whole life is a dream inside a much bigger, more complex reality, and in turn that is a dream inside another even bigger, even more complex reality, and so on.
  5. One word... DRM. This is the only reason you need (of many more) to not waste $600 (or however much it is in your country).
  6. Still shining... Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2GB RAM ASUS P5K SE M/B 500GB SATA HD 160GB IDE HD 40GB IDE HD DVD +/- RW DL Rubbish graphics card. Runs: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), Gentoo 2007.0, openSUSE 10.3
  7. Classic misconception. In terms of speed, Internet Explorer is faster than Firefox. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html#winspeed But that's only because IE is so heavily built in to windows that most of its components load at logon anyway. PS. Opera is very good too, but I don't use it much any more because of the lack of cool extensions.
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