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Posts posted by Azgar

  1. I believe we have global warming but from what I have heard before the Little Ice age that ended in the 1800's it was 8 degrees warmer than during the Little Ice Age we are now 4 degrees warmer than in the Little Ice Age. (From a History Channal show on the Little Ice Age).

    I could care less if we are causing a reduction in the cycle or not what I say is you don't pee in your own pool. We need to always get more effecent because we have a larger population and we have limited resources and I don't want to breath bad air. The thing is in the US non CO2 pollutin is lower than it has been since 1970 we have a long way to go even on this but it is a start. I China they have 20 of the 30 most polluted cities. I feel the countrys of America and Europe need to help China do better and work on cutting ourselves. In my state if Illinios we have 3 new wind farms being started and they are not small ones. Off of the west cost of the US they are putting in a small wave farm which will expand later. In Matton Illinios they are building a zero emission coal fire power plant.

    We need to use more effecent lights and applicances ect and build eco friendly power plants.

  2. I am actually looking for two things I would like to make a window based game myself but as I am getting ready to create a webpage for a scout troop I was wanting to make something for that. I would like to go 3d if possible but as I am a mainframe programmer with minor C#, java, and foxpro experience I am not sure much about game programming. After I am done here I will check out the sights you posted. Thanks

  3. If you look at the last 50 years in the United States the 3 biggest incresses in money to the goverment were when John F. Kennedy, Ronald Ragain and G. W. bush cut taxes.

    Besides if the polititions really wanted to do something about Social Security in the states they would have found better things to do like I believe Brazil has privetized the system they have but have a saftey net and everyone is retireing earlier. The big wigs in Washington do not want to fix it because then they lose something to argue about and make people think they care for something more than power.

  4. I run a 1 meg processer and 256 of ram and my son uses it for the internet and a bunch of online games. It is old but it seems to work well, I think if you are looking at a deal the $200 walmart computer might work but you will need to put on Xp unless linux would play the games you use. This is a really low in machine though.

  5. I am Jim 43 and I am from Illinios USA. I work as a programmer mainly Mainframe (Cobol, EZtreve, JCL) I also work a little in FoxPro, Java and C# (Very little) . My shop is going mainly C# on the PC using SQL server.

  6. I am learning C#.Net for my job and started to program a game, a version of the old game super tank. I was following a set of instructions on coding 4 fun on MS sight called begining game programming. Half way though I got lossed because the author kept changing code that had been written and then he quit being spacific and I didn't know exactly what to fix as I am new to C#.

    Does anyone know of a set of instructions that I could use to learn what I am doing?

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