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Posts posted by mjoshi

  1. Hello,


    Since this is my first ever posting in this forum being a newbie to Heliohost.org, may I start by saying "Thank you" for providing this service. It's not perfect, but it's far better than many paid hosting companies.


    Just wanted to let you know, I'm also facing the issue being discussed under this thread. First, I tried to add an "Addon domain" and at the first attempt I go the "cpanel binary corrupt error" and no domain showed up. On second attempt I got the following error:


    Addon Domain Additions

    Error from domain wrapper: heatacinc.heatac.heliohost.org is owned by another user.


    The weird thing is I don't see any domain in the list of "addon domains".


    Troubles did not stop there, next I tried to add it as a parked domain which resulted in some name server errors. But to my surprise the domain did appear under the list of "Parked Domains". So I started digging around and found this forum. Realizing there's a known issue with the "Addon Domain" functionality I went back to delete the "Parked Domain" as I really want the "Addon Domain" in this case. But this time I get an error trying to delete the parked domain:



    Parked Domain Maintenance


    There was a problem removing the parked domain Show Details

    Error from park wrapper: CP-Wrap Critical Error (signal 11 from wrapped program)! This may indicate a corrupt admin binary in /usr/local/cpanel/bin/



    I hope I did not make things worst here and some genius can fix things.



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