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Posts posted by Viking

  1. I guess that one field that they let you use is A record? If you can't figure out how to set nameservers I recommend using a different service, but you could also try entering this information:
    host: viking.era.ee
    type: A

    If you're insistent on using this era.ee service I would also recommend contacting their tech support and asking them how to specify nameservers.



    Thank you for terrific support for free host. I set the things the wy you showed and contacted them. And thanks one more time.



    The "Viking"

  2. It does, but have you tried adding the nameservers ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org at era.ee like I said?


    I tried testing this out myself, but in order to make an account at era.ee it wanted me to install some software and there was no way I was going to do that.



    It gives only one field, where to enter info. You can use this domain only if you are citizen of Estonia.

  3. Has your viking.era.ee domain ever shown anything other than queued? For instance, did it start working a couple days after you created your account and then went back to showing queued again?


    I'm wondering if maybe <name>.era.ee service isn't compatible with our hosting because the tools I have checked don't seem to be showing me what the nameservers are set to.


    @vikinger, It looks like you may have typed our nameserver information into the A record box instead of the nameserver box. I'm not familiar with era.ee but see if you can find nameserver boxes and type in ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org


    If you set the nameservers correctly this tool should show ns1 and ns2 instead of a blank page http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools...a.ee&rec=NS


    No it hasnt shown anything else. I think its the nameserver problem. Does your hosting support CNAME?



    The "Viking"

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