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Posts posted by Spaceman3750

  1. djbob, you started the move, now you have to finish it... I want to work on my site, but the URL doesn't work (so I can't access anything with the link fixed to the original URL) and all of the images are gone when I access it through the helionet URL...

  2. I got a mini uzi for around the house. Good for shooting at the cats when they're scratching my bed or something. Couple short bursts of plastic bbs in the behind and they're outta there.


    I will get an Airsoft gun and try that next time my cat comes tearing through my room @ 2AM to look out the window because there's another cat outside (I have a corner room, so two windows...) :lol:. :D

  3. I am actually confused about the concealed carry laws. Are you or are you not permitted to carry a concealed weapon? I am thinking you can, provided you aren't walking around downtown New York with an M16 under your trenchcoat or something :lol:. If you can't, is this not a violation of the Bill of Rights?


    Oh, and stan, you are fined for double posting.

  4. russian family??? nice... have you ever been in Russia?? Do you know russian traditions???

    OOH!! Let me take a shot!! Is one of their traditions sacrificing people named myscrnnm to the volcano god? I want to watch that :lol:.

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