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  1. Do you know any way around this?
  2. I am trying to run a Perl script that processes a series of files and then produces an HTML page with the results. Despite my newbieness, I somehow managed to get it working (including adding the necessary Perl modules to my home path on the server). I tested it first on the server giving three files as input and then giving it about 75. The first test worked flawlessly. The second with more input files did not. I know the script works because I tested it with the 75 files on my desktop (it takes a minute or two to run). It seems like there is an issue with the server processing the request; some kind of timeout issue. Are certain processes limited to a fixed amount of server time? Like I said, I don't have much experience with servers and web programming so maybe someone has some insight into what might be happening? Thanks for your time and help!
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