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Posts posted by dna2243

  1. I use 2007, as I am testing it for our company. It is a major change to the interface, but once you get used to the ribbon, it's pretty nice. It's a major change for us because we have been using 2000 up until now. Getting 500+ people onto a new office suite is going to be tons of fun!


    Would I recommend it for the cost? It depends on what you need it for. If you need more lines in excel, then it is your new best friend. For daily activity... stay on 2k3 or OO.



  2. Hey all, figured I would say hi.


    New to the board. 31 male, from MO. I run a tech support team for a national restaurant chain. My wife and I are pretty big gamers, she is a CoX player and I have been a WoW raider for years now.


    So hello all!

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