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Posts posted by knightRider

  1. as many of us are aware we do not have to read anything on any site but this site has this on it


    Hey! Are you a new user? Read the Guidelines. If you don't, we'll fine you. Seriously.


    this is not something that should be taken lightley there is no way they can fine you for not reading the guidelines but this can aslo be classed as a thret so please take this dow thanks, oh and by the way here is another tip you might also consider taking the time to make a propper site for this place thanks for your time.



    all laws are diffrent around the world but please riemember to abide by them, in the (U.K and the U.S) we do not have to do what it says in the above section and this site can not do anything about it they can ask but they cant dimand nor can they threten you with a fine for not doing so this could get them prosicuted in a cort of law and possabely the site could be removed all together keep that in mined when you see messages like that on the top of any site.


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