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  1. I paid for 3.75 months until June, so my credits from before will transfer I believe.
  2. Basically what the title says. I want to upgrade my VPS from 1 GB of ram to 2 GB of ram but I don't want to make a PayPal account.
  3. Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it. Have a good one
  4. I think I will stick with the VPS. Can we delete the Morty website and transfer the credit?
  5. That was a stupid question. I’m sorry
  6. Thank you very much, if I decide to stick with the VPS, how should I contact about deleting the Morty website?
  7. I think that will work. Could we do the transfer?
  8. If it is running, how can I proxy it?
  9. I believe the server is currently running on port 7777. I don’t know for sure since I don’t want the log file to blow up my storage.
  10. I think it's my antivirus. I even cleared my cache just to be sure. Thanks
  11. When my storage was full (The log file was 400 MB) my website crashed. Plesk says that the site is active but when I try to go to ocarina.helioho.st chrome says "The connection was reset"
  12. Hi, I donated $5 for increased storage space. My username is ocarina and the transaction id is this: 7RR67793KA236415K
  13. Thank you very much. Though, would it not be possible to have a route to start the process and then another to stop the process? I'm not sure how it would work.
  14. I just upgraded to it. Thank you for the help.
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