can i help them by access her pc with remote desktop or this not allowed ?
where we still learning and he need my help and each one live in diff houses and maybe get hard to work on same time and location
oh! im see it there a misunderstand here i'm have only one account which is shehabalsaidi but today me frinds [Redacted by KazVee] ask me to help him to set up here account where we stady un same unvercity and he use your's to deploy unvercity project .
and i'm sign in from here account
his email is email [redacted by KazVee]
and thank you
hello i'm new to heiloHost and want to setup mail and want to set up Set Up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Records in my domain .
my username : shehabalsaidi
my domain :
and thank you for your support