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  1. UPDATE: the site works now. Thanks for all the help
  2. I did, and it doesn't exist. This is the contents of my dispatch.wsgi file: import os import sys from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application sys.path.append("/home/anasbashir.helioho.st/httpdocs") os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "anas.settings") application = get_wsgi_application() # vim:ft=python Alright, will do when I need to.
  3. I don't have anything called djangotest in my code. I believe I did use it before, but I'd removed it, can't remember exactly. But in the latest version of the code, it doesn't exist. On that note, if I do want to add additional python packages, what do I have to do?
  4. One more thing. The site doesn't seem to be working currently. When I go to https://anasbashir.helioho.st, it is supposed to show me "Hello, world!", but instead it gives me 500 Internal Server Error
  5. Alright, quick question. Does it have to be the dispatch.wsgi file? The reason I am asking is because as I mentioned I use git integration. So I have a remote gitlab repo connected to this site, and after I push changes to that repo, I pull it from plesk. So it does pull in multiple changes, so does that make a difference, or does it have to be the dispatch.wsgi file itself. so a followup question is, if it should be the dispatch.wsgi file, then can I just make the change while pushing to git, and that change will be pulled on plesk, and the dispatch.wsgi file would also change due to the git pull. Would that work as well?
  6. Can I just request it here, my username is an4s911 and I want control access to WSGI. Or do I need to open a new topic?
  7. I have a django app setup in root dir /httpdocs. And I use git integration to pull latest changes to heliohost, but the changes aren't reflected immediately. It takes a really long time. And when I reload a page, sometimes it comes and sometimes it shows an error message for a previous change, means some kind of caching is playing here. I did reset all cache and tried again, but nothing fixes this. So do I have to wait till next day to test my backend? What should I do? This is very annoying. How can I reset the cache in all places, including in your servers. EDIT: PS: I use the tommy server. The new one.
  8. I just saw the pinned post that says don't post support here, I didn't know where to post this and that is why I posted here. And I can't find a button to delete it. So I apologize for any inconveniences, and I will be paying more attention next time. But I am hoping to get a fix to this problem soon. I won't be reposting this on the customer service, because I'm not sure if that would be the appropriate thing to do. If it is then let me know, I am more than happy to comply
  9. Plesk at tommy.heliohost.org:8443 doesn't work
  10. I tried creating a new postgre database, and it gives me this error: Error: Connection to the database server failed: SQLSTATE[55006]: Object in use: 7 ERROR: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database. Edit: To give context, I haven't made any databases or database users so far. I do have a django app on httpdocs though. Solved: It worked after some time like mentioned in the reply below by @wolstech
  11. an4s911

    Tommy Upgrade

    I am happy to be a volunteer for V2 account name: an4s911
  12. Is it possible to give instructions on how to setup multi-app django project on plesk. And also how to serve the django app on the root '/' of the domain instead of inside a sub directory (like /djangotest).
  13. Hi, I think it got blocked again. I didn't do that many. I tried entering the password like 3 times. And now I can't open Plesk again. Is 3 consecutive ftp password attempts the limit before being blocked? Could you please unblock it for me again. Thank you.
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