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  1. I meant 'cachapa'. And you do have double email confirmation, for password ressets. Crap. Is there anyone who hosts server for free?
  2. I'm goign to be running a server which anyoen (hopefully) can connec to. Is this possible? If so, how (exactly)? Also, why do you have _such_ enforced security? Triple cachaps, doubel email confrmation..
  3. No, I don't. And I'm not using Ruby/Rails, I'm using python. And a bit of flash.
  4. Yes, but how do I do so? Do I just upload it, or what?
  5. Hello, all. I really want to make game in python, and I also want to get the flash crowd. My ugly hack to this is to have the game as a socket server, and teh game being a client. Thus, does heliohost support python socket servers?
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