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  1. Ah... ok. Thanks a lot. I did have remote access in all of my DBs as discussed here ( ) Please if you can re enable it @Krydos would much appreciate it. Thanks a lot guys, Francisco
  2. Hey guys, I have remote access enabled in my databases and I have always been able to read and write via script and connect via Datagrip or similar software. Starting yesterday, I am able to remotely write on the DB via script. But I can't seem to be able to connect to my databases nor from Datagrip, or Metabase which I use to analyze data. This error appears for example: Can you please help me here? Same happens for all DBs in my user. Thanks a lot, Francisco
  3. Need to segment the access of each ERP. Cannot have one person looking at all those ERPs. If there is any way to segment row access by a column value inside Postgres that would be amazing!!!
  4. Hey man. Sorry, don't want to abuse the policy. Maybe you can help me with my use case. But basically what I do is that I connect to a erp system and bring the data via API to then be able to do some data analytics on the data from the ERP. And I built a whole script to do this automatically because it would have been a pain to do it manually. Not trying to have any abuse here and that is also why I contributed on the paid version and willing to scale up if needed. Let me know if this can be done or what is the problem to writing to the DB via API. But truly really sorry, not wanting to abuse anything here. Thanks, Francisco
  5. Hey guys, would very much appreciate if I could get remote access for a postgres DB. DATABASE: database: fudobi_suteki user: fudobi_admin_suteki host: fudobi.helioho.st I believe that @Krydos has to do this. Thanks a lot!
  6. Hey guys, would very much appreciate if I could get remote access for a postgres DB. DATABASE: database: fudobi_bierhaus user: fudobi_admin_bierhaus host: fudobi.helioho.st I believe that @Krydos has to do this. Thanks a lot!
  7. Hey @Krydos, I know you are super busy with everything going on. Could you just help me please with this issue so I can start rebuilding my DBs in Tommy now that I have access to Tommy? Thanks a lot and sorry to bother!
  8. Hey guys, would very much appreciate if I could get remote access for a couple of postgres DBs. DATABASE 1: database: fudobi_viaviva user: fudobi_admin_viaviva host: fudobi.helioho.st DATABASE 2: database: fudobi_gamba user: fudobi_admin_gamba host: fudobi.helioho.st DATABASE 3: database: fudobi_strange user: fudobi_admin_strange host: fudobi.helioho.st DATABASE 4: database: fudobi_delirante user: fudobi_admin_delirante host: fudobi.helioho.st DATABASE 5: database: fudobi_freddocl user: fudobi_admin_freddocl host: fudobi.helioho.st DATABASE 6: database: fudobi_boheme user: fudobi_admin_boheme host: fudobi.helioho.st I believe that @Krydos has to do this. Thanks a lot, trying to rebuild lost DBs to Johnny. Thanks!
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