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Posts posted by twistedxtemptation

  1. 4 the template part, u put it on one page (coded as well) then u just make a menu and main page, and junk. I'm not so good at explaining, I do kno, how 2 use all that junk and stuff, but I just can't seem 2 explain and everything, mainly over a computer.. :P

  2. Some ppl may want 2 steal their WII so they go mad and kill pplz..

    Lol. I think thats quite strange O.o

    Dying from a game console?

    Well I guess it could happen with little kiddies like me, hahe, like this kid at my school he threw a computer out a window coz he lost a stupid game. I mean someone like him could go and throw the console at themselves.. O.o

  3. PINK!! I like it bcz its a bit GiRlY! ;] Lolz, and yeah, its just so purdy, and it refelects my personality bcz theres a few different pinks, and I like HOT Pink, and that means kinda crazy and stuff, and thats me! ;]

  4. hre is what you do: I start with a word; say, bake. then, the next person changes one letter to form another word. So it might go like, bake, base, case, care, fare, etc. The game ends when there is no longer a word to use! Oh yeah, and the word is four letters.



    Ohk, me start!



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