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  1. That clarifies my doubt. I'll migrate to PostgreSQL. Thanks a lot for your support! I have no further queries.
  2. I was just testing out my project and it throws an error saying that SQLite 3.8.3 or higher is required. Can you kindly update your SQLite version?
  3. Hey there! Firstly, thank you for the suggestion. However, I did consider getting a VPS but soon realised that it was a bit excessive for my purposes. My project won't have much traffic nor am I going to make optimal use of all those resources. I am putting my project out on the internet solely for the purpose of getting a better understanding of Cloud Deployments and to put my knowledge about Django to the test by actually having it out on the internet rather than using localhost. Furthermore, as wolstech suggested, I am now using an external server with TLS, so I no longer need to have the channels-redis module on Johnny servers. I would be grateful if you could add the other two django packages! Regards, lalithb
  4. I apologize for the oversight. I can host redis separately as you suggested. I still need the following modules: django-tz-detect django-cors-headers channels-redis I request the root admin to kindly install these. Thank You!
  5. Yes, it does need a redis server. I've configured the channel layer in the 'settings.py' file to use
  6. I'm using redis-channels so that I can use consumers in my websocket to listen for 'onmessage' events. It's a just a small side project I did that implements basic chat functionality to learn Django better.
  7. My bad, the packages are actually django-tz-detect and django-cors-headers. I request you to kindly add these two along with channels-redis. Thanks a lot!
  8. Hello there! I request you to kindly add the following python packages: 1. daphne 2. channels 3. tz_detect 4. corsheaders I am using Python 3.10.
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