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  1. Thanks for your reply, I've since found Azure provides free nodejs hosting which just worked first go including with sqlite which was failing on your service, so I am going to move across to there.
  2. Hi, I set up an account yesterday and it was suspended overnight because of excessive mem usage. It's a simple nodejs app that was getting no traffic but mem usage kept growing. Since account was reinstated a little while ago the mem usage continues to unexplainably climb. So to test I've replace my app with this - it is the simplest, smallest possible nodejs app: "use strict"; const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const port = 80; app.get("/", async (req, resp) => { resp.send("<html><body>running - testing mem usage</body></html>"); }); // start server app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`⚡️[server]: Server is running at http://localhost:${port}`); }); Not only would you expect that to use a small amount of memory, but also that it wouldn't continually grow. I have disabled PHP and any other scripting thing I could find so its only just nodejs running, and after making the above change I restarted the node app. As you can see in attached image, mem usage continues to climb rapidly. You can't even see where I changed from my app to the above simple example - mem usage is continuing to climb at a constant rate. I am sure this is nothing to do with me - is someone able to investigate please and see if you have access to more fine grained mem usage reporting to diagnose what is causing this. Thanks. Account: runningantdev, tommy2
  3. Alright, I've hacked back the app to this simple example and restarted node. Will keep an eye on this but if mem usage keeps growing then this is going to be a problem beyond my code/app and something infrastructure related. "use strict"; const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const port = 80; app.get("/", async (req, resp) => { resp.send("<html><body>running - testing mem usage</body></html>"); }); // start server app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`⚡️[server]: Server is running at http://localhost:${port}`); }); PLEASE NOTE: I've created the following ticket to investigate this further: https://helionet.org/index/topic/58640-unexplained-nodejs-mem-usage/
  4. I am still waiting for the site to be accessible - it's still saying it's suspended, however the load chart is showing 6GB of mem usage since you reactivated just before. If it's not the running site using memory then what is? Is there any way to get a more granular view of what is using the mem? If nodejs is the issue then is it just not practical in your hosting environment to use it? When setting up this site I disabled PHP and everything else I could find to disable except for nodejs. It's not even a complex app - it's just a thin layer that takes web requests and updates a postgres database. I am not seeing any abnormal mem usage when running locally. EDIT: its now up to 18GB usage ... simple just to have a response that shows the word "running": app.get("/", async (req, resp) => { resp.send("<html><body>running</body></html>"); });
  5. Thanks for your reply. I can't explain that mem usage - I can only guess it's related to multiple instances of the node app running - I had some issues trying to get it running due to environment differences - e.g. sqlite not working, and issues with connection pools.
  6. Account: runningantdev I have just re-read the terms of service and there is nothing in there which I can see being relevant to why my account was suspended. I have received no correspondence from you indicating why either. I can't even think of any potential reason - its a simple nodejs app that talks to a postgres database - I am building and testing a concept which I intend at some point to embed in a mobile app, its not even something that is to be accessible to the general public - its for my own testing purposes. Can I have someone review this please and at least get back to me to explain what the problem is.
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