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Everything posted by tecinova

  1. to my surprise when I accessed my domain my Helio account had been suspended. I reviewed the terms and found nothing wrong. Could the problem be the religious content? Or because I didn't pay $ 1? I recommended the hosting to clients who did pay, but I was disgusted by what happened so I'm already rethinking it. Imagine my clients' content going down? I can't! I would like to point out that even if my account is back online, I had a terrible experience and I am looking for alternatives and partnerships so as not to deprive my audience of reading my content. I hope there is still freedom of expression in the world.
  2. olá, gostaria de mudar meu domínio, então já tenho meu próprio domínio evangelhomeditado.my.id Meu nome de usuário é tecinova
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