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Everything posted by kuk

  1. Yes, apparently redmine required a highter Rails version (and using an older version of redmine isn't such a good option). Thank you very much for all your help, but I will wait and see for a while until I have more time to spend on this subject.
  2. Seems to be but should be fixed now. (http://makandra.com/notes/1051-fixing-uninitialized-constant-activesupport-dependencies-mutex-nameerror)
  3. I'm quite new to ruby so please forgive my mistakes. If I got it right the two last commands create all the necessary tables for the database. I did that locally and copied them to the server, so that should be done. When I try to start the app via cpanel it says that the app has been started. But in the list of available apps it always keeps the status "not running", so there is still something missing.
  4. That's correct. Domain redmine-kuk.heliohost.org. I'm sorry, I should have posted that before
  5. I've tried setting up the commands as cron jobs, but they are deleted without notice (like mentioned in the other topic). That would be great. According to my instructions this is all I need to get it running: rake gems:install rake generate_session_store RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data Thanks a lot.
  6. That explains quite a lot ^^ I read this before but the topic came up before johnny was installed and since I had the ssh-icon in the panel I tought... Well, this doesn't really solve my problem. I try to install Redmine and all the instructions that I can find on the web (like here http://blog.ryanharter.com/?p=95 or http://www.mickgenie.com/blog/how-to-insta...e-with-cpanel/) require some rake commands and RAILS_ENV= settings. How can I achieve this if I'm not able to log in??
  7. Hi, I have some trouble to log in via ssh. In cPanel I can manage ssh keys so I think it is generally possible. Maybe I'm using the wrong port (I couldn't find any information on this), but a normal "ssh johnny.heliohost.org" command on standard port 22 always ends with a "connection refused" error. I temporarily deactivated my firewall so there shouldn't be any problems due to it. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance for helping me.
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