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Davis Garrad

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  1. Can you tell I'm new to this? Thanks for all the help - I'll run smaller test runs and see what the problems are and optimise where I can.
  2. Thanks for the response. I'm not too experienced in this, so how many requests is too many? I was sending about 1/s, each a get request with I think 9 parameters (data upload). The website itself (client side, so each instance) would pull data (pretty well a whole table of 16kB or so I think) every 0.9s if I remember right as well. Edit: Just realized I can perform database writes directly 🤦‍♂️ instead of filling a hidden form programmatically. That should reduce load by a bit I'm sure.
  3. a. your HelioHost username davisgarrad b. the server your account is on Tommy c. your HelioHost main domain davisgarrad.helioho.st Hello, I'm not really sure why my account got suspended - the site that I had up was just for live data viewing from a physics experiment. I think the amount of requests may have something to do with it. If you guys could look into this that would be great. After peeking at some of the other suspension reports and thinking back, it's likely an error log just grew to over a gigabyte, as I know my code has some errors that would've just accumulated. My apologies, as I didn't even consider this as a possible issue. Thanks, Davis
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